Tuesday May 21, 2024
Hidden Hands EP 19 | Understanding Sample Clearances
This week on Hidden Hands, Cruz and Travis sit down with Ron from Alien Music and discuss the topic of sample clearances and how it works in the music industry Guest Speaker Ron Cabiltes https://www.instagram.com/alienmusicron ------- Tap in with Travis @trvoski https://www.instagram.com/trvoski Tap in with Cruz @breakitdown https://www.instagram.com/breakitdwn/ _____ CHECKOUT OUR MERCH - https://shoptmro.com FOLLOW OUR IG - https://www.instagram.com/tmroapp TAP IN ON TIK TOK - https://www.tiktok.com/@tmronetwork FOLLOW WOMEN OF TMRO - https://www.instagram.com/womenoftmro #MusicIndustryInsights #RecordingIndustry #MusicBusinessTalk